Information for foreigners

Health insurance for children of foreigners with a long-term stay in the Czech Republic

Children (up to 18 years) of foreigners with a valid long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic must be compulsorily insured in the public health insurance system from January 1, 2024. This obligation is introduced by the amendment to Act No. 326/1999 Sb. about the residence of foreigners and other related laws.


Who does the change affect?

This duty applies


From when will the child be insured?

The following facts are decisive for determining the date from which the child will be insured in the public health insurance system:

A child who had a valid long-term residence permit on the territory of the Czech Republic before 1st January 2024 and has taken out commercial health insurance enters the public health insurance system on the day following the end of the existing commercial health insurance. The legal representative is obliged to register the child with the public health insurance company within 8 days from the termination of the commercial health insurance.

A child who obtains a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic after January 1, 2024 will be insured by the public health insurance company on the day the long-term residence permit becomes legal. If he has a valid commercial health insurance contract, he becomes a participant in public health insurance on the day following the day of termination of commercial health insurance.


When does the insurance expire?

The insurance expires on the day the long-term residence permit expires (in the case of an application to extend the existing residence permit, the insurance lasts for the entire duration of the ongoing procedure), or on the day the child turns 18.


Who pays the insurance?

The obligation to pay the insurance premium for the child rests with the child's legal representative (usually parents), guardian or guardian.


How much is paid?

The amount of the insurance premium is determined by law. It is calculated from the current minimum wage in the given calendar year. For 2025, the monthly insurance fee is set 2 808 CZK.


What is required to register a child with a health insurance company?

You can register in person at any OZP branch or electronically ( We will confirm receipt of the electronic application by letter sent to the specified contact address.


Does the change in the law also affect your child?

This legislative change does not apply to children with the citizenship of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Great Britain, Japan and some contracting states (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) if the child's legal representative works as an employee in an employment relationship in Czech republic.


You can also find more information and model examples on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.


Přihláška dětí cizinců k OZP

Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna zaměstnanců bank, pojišťoven a stavebnictví Ředitelství OZP, Roškotova 1225/1, 140 00 Praha 4
IČO: 47114321
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